
Love Never Dies!

慘烈的冰上碰撞事故,迄今一周了。喜歡畫畫冰迷用"Love never dies"為題,描繪出羽生對花滑傾注一生熱情,永不放棄的動人回憶。

An unforgettable week after that accident, Tian, a Chinese skating-fan painter released his latest artwork for POTO, with a title of “Love Never Dies!” 

He wrote a Chinese message in Weibo to express the reason to name this title. (I try to translate them.)

“I am lucky to watch his POTO at arena, to witness a battle that he grows up from a boy to a man. I ask myself many times: why can his performance be such fullness but solemn and stirring while he is in worse sharp? Thinking over and over, I find the answer in my drawing – Love never dies!”

IMO, I like this "fighter" posture. Yuzu raises his head up, opens his arms, and blood still in chin. His sight looks toward far away, which implies he still aims aggressively to the goal in future.
